Pulling Down the Moon

Inositol Benefits for Men: Myo-inositol for Men's Fertility

November 10, 2023
Tamara Quinn

Written By:

Beth Heller

Co-Founder of Pulling Down the Moon, MS, RYT, Reg. Yoga Teacher

Myo-inositol, one of the most common forms of inositol, is a supplement that we often recommend for lowering insulin and testosterone levels and promoting cycle regularity in women with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). We also recommend it for egg quality. Now evidence is mounting that myo-inositol may have a beneficial effect for sperm quality in men as well!

What is Myo-Inositol?

Myo-inositol is a molecule that your body makes from glucose. Myo-inositol is also found in foods in foods like fruits, beans, grains, and nuts. It has half the sweetness of glucose, thus if you mix myo-inositol powder into some water, you will taste a slight sweetness. Myo-inositol is critical for cell growth, cell membrane formation, lipid synthesis, and cell signaling in your body.

Man taking  a tablet of myo-inositol for men's fertility benefits.

Myo-Inositol for Men and Mitochondrial Function

According to the research, myo-inositol seems to have a beneficial impact on mitochondrial function. If you remember from high school biology, the mitochrondria are the “powerhouse of the cell, meaning they are responsible for energy production. The idea is that supporting the mitochondria helps ensure the sperm have adequate energy production to support proper motility. In the research, incubation of sperm from men with low sperm count, motility, and/or morphology with myo-inositol resulted in higher sperm motility. Myo-inositol may also have antioxidant effects.

Myo-Inositol Benefits for Men: Results on a Study on Men with Low Sperm Count

A recent study of 100 men with low sperm count and/or low sperm motility looked at supplementation with myo-inositol, alpha-lipoic acid, folic acid, betaine, thiamine, and vitamins B6 and B12 to determine the impact on sperm quality. After a 90-day treatment period, there was a significant increase in sperm concentration, progressive motility, total motile sperm count, and normal sperm morphology. Within 6 months of discontinuing the supplements, the partner became pregnant in 40 cases either naturally or via IUI of IVF. No adverse effects were reported in the 100 men following this supplement regimen for 90 days.

This study has really striking results. Because multiple nutrients were used, we can’t be sure how much of the impact is due to myo-inositol compared to other nutrients. It would also be great to see a placebo-controlled trial with myo-inositol. For now, these results are looking promising for using myo-inositol to improve sperm motility in men with subfertility of unknown cause. Stay tuned as we learn more about this important topic! 

Our nutritionists at Pulling Down the Moon are specialists and will tailor their recommendations to your fertility diagnosis. Pulling Down the Moon offers holistic services for male fertility including acupuncture and massage therapies. For more information about any of the supplements or info in this blog, please feel free to contact us at info@pullingdownthemoon.com or call us at: 312-321-0004. 


  1. Canepa P, Dal Lago A, De Leo C. Combined treatment with myo-inositol, alpha-lipoic acid, folic acid, and vitamins significantly improves sperm parameters of sub-fertile men: a multi-centric study. Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci. 2018;22:7078-7085.
  2. Condorelli RA, et al. Myo-inositol as a male fertility molecule. Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci. 2017; 21(2 Suppl): 30-35.

Meet the Author: Beth Heller

Beth is the Co-Founder and Co-Director of Pulling Down the Moon, Inc., Integrative Care for Fertility (ICF ™). She earned her Master’s Degree in Human Nutrition and Dietetics in 1999. Before starting PDtM, she spent four years as a Nutrition Researcher for the Women's Walking Program, a National Institutes of Health-funded study on the well-being of menopausal women through walking exercise. Beth discovered yoga in 1998 while grappling with graduate student stress and fertility concerns.  After stumbling into a yoga class and loving it, Beth began a regular practice.  Her vision for Pulling Down the Moon is to share the tools that helped her during a challenging phase of her life. Beth is a member of the International Association of Yoga Therapists and the American Society for Reproductive Medicine. She teaches yoga in classes and in one-on-one instruction throughout the Chicago-land area and is a creator, co-director and teacher for Pulling Down the Moon, Yoga for Fertility.

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