Pulling Down the Moon

Introducing our APP:

Fully Fertile

Where private struggle becomes a source of connection. 

A Virtual Pulling Down the Moon Experience

We are so excited to announce the creation of our sister brand, Fully Fertile. For more than two decades you have been asking when a Pulling Down the Moon will be available in a "city near me." We heard you and are responding with the creation of our Fully Fertile app, a virtual Pulling Down the Moon experience and private social media community.

It's no secret for most of you that 1 in 8 couples struggle to conceive, and the World Health Organization (WHO) warns that infertility will be the third most serious health condition of the 21st century. It's also no secret that the grief levels of those coping with infertility rival those of cancer patients, and yet while a growing number of us face this invisible crisis, all too many are suffering in silence. This lack of conversation creates a vacuum of information, solutions, and support. 

Fully Fertile is here to fill that void. It’s a space to engage in chats, education, classes, and more. It can raise your ‘fertility IQ’, spanning topics from nutrition to fitness, environmental toxins to lifestyle factors, male fertility to miscarriage, and everything in between. And at the community’s core are practical holistic tools to reduce stress, and to provide hope, health, and empowerment for your fertility journey. 


Virtual Pulling Down the Moon yoga classes, Path to Pregnancy course, and private fertility chat community now available!

The original Yoga for Fertility class shown to decrease anxiety by 20% is now available virtually inside the APP

It doesn't matter whether you can touch your toes or are a seasoned yogini. This class helps you learn how to frame your fertility journey in a way that reveals your personal strengths, reinforces the joy of everyday life and empowers you to create the family you are meant to have. The focus of the practice is to:

  • Increase reproductive blood flow
  • Deepen and control breathing to induce the relaxation response
  • Increase flexibility in hips, groin, lower back, chest and shoulders
  • Give you quick relaxation tools you can use anywhere

  • Assist the body with natural detox process
  • Increase the flow of positive energy (prana) throughout the body and energetic anatomy (chakra system)
  • Create a “stress rehearsal” that teaches the body & mind how to stay calm in stressful situations


Inside this App You’ll Find: 

The Fully Fertile Friends

Chat Room

Educational Articles & Blogs

Yoga for Fertility: Classes & Curriculum

"A Path to Pregnancy"

14 Daily Articles, Self Care, & our Fully Fertile Self Massage

Fertility Wellness Classes (added on an ongoing basis)

Access to Specialists, Resources, & Referrals

Become a Fully Fertile Friend 

Are you ready to learn why we say ‘community is our sacred sauce’? We believe Fully Fertile will provide tools to shed light on your journey, stimulate healing in your body, and focus you towards your fertile future. We hope you’ll become one of our "Fully Fertile Friends," and look forward to walking beside you on your journey.


Check Out Our Fully Fertile Community

"The care I didn’t know I needed."

— Veronica

"Excited to be part of this community with all of you warrior women!"

— Eva

"This app is 🔥!!"

— Erin

"I’m excited to be in a community with other women on a similar journey."

— Renee

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